Exhibitions/Third Floor

Floor Map



Exhibition room

Technology and history of resource development is the main subject of the exhibition on the 3rd floor. The exploration of ore deposit, mining, refining and smelting are systematically explained showing numbers of instrument for mining and model of plant. The exhibitions on the distribution of natural resources, mine safety and prevention of pollution, renewable energy and history of mining in Akita are also on display.

Natural resources distribution maps

Locality, products and type of ore deposit of principal mines of the world, Japan and Akita area are shown on the large terrestrial globe and geological relief maps.

Specimens of both metal and non-metal elements displayed in the order of periodic table.
A gravity variometer (made at approximately 70 years ago in Germany)
A model of hybrid oil-drilling rig both rotary and Japanese traditional type (Kazusabori) were available.

Collection of models of mining plants and instruments

These fine models represented by the Freiberg model collection were mostly collected in the period of Akita mining school for the education of mining technology. Some new models of smelting plants and instruments of ore dressing were made at our 100thanniversary, 2011.

History of mining in Akita

An exhibition of old drawings illustrating mines in Akita in the Late Edo-Meiji Era.

Old drawing of the Ani mine which illustrate in detail, a successive processing from refinement of excavated ore to smelting copper.
Geothermal heat pump system which operates an air conditioner

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